Pursue Your Pivot: Leveraging Transferable Skills

A word …

I wanted to address this topic because I've often seen folks, including myself, put themselves in a box and genuinely doubt that they can pursue new opportunities or passions because they've been in a career, position, or company for several years.

Nope, not, neva! 

In 2024, we're leveraging the skills we've worked so hard for to move on to bigger and better things that bring us joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

Let’s talk about how to do that …

Pivoting using transferable skills …

Whether you're considering a career change or dreaming of launching your own business, some of the most powerful tools at your disposal are your transferable skills. These invaluable abilities and qualities you've cultivated throughout your life and career show your potential employer or client versatility and can be applied across different industries and roles. 

I can 100% attest to the power of transferable skills. I leveraged my coaching, organizational, and interpersonal skills to pivot from a client-facing role to internal management in 2014, which included a move from Atlanta to South Florida.

Fast forward to 2021, and I leveraged my research, writing, and relationship-building skills to pivot again from being a Certified Public Accountant to an entrepreneur focused on nonprofit consulting and grant writing. Two totally different worlds that rely on overlapping skills to succeed.

So, what are your transferable skills? 

I would venture to bet that if you are 35+, you have a treasure trove of skills that will be useful in your next role, regardless of what it is. 

If you're at a loss for words, do any of these resonate with you and your experience?

Once you've identified your transferable skills, the next step is to strategically market them to secure your next opportunity. You can start by doing a combination of any of the following:

  1. Tailor your resume to highlight your relevant transferable skills and experiences. Use specific examples and achievements to demonstrate how you have successfully applied these skills in previous roles. I used a functional resume to cross-reference my skills against the job description.

  1. Update your LinkedIn profile to incorporate relevant keywords and phrases related to your transferable skills into the headline, summary, experience, and skills sections. While actively pivoting, I searched profiles for relevant keywords on LinkedIn and saw how others structured and worded these various sections.  

  2. Craft and practice a compelling elevator pitch highlighting your transferable skills, experiences, and career goals. I mentioned in a previous edition that I love conferences, and to prepare for these meetings when I pivoted, I had a spiel ready to speak to my proficiency in my new focus area.

  1. Prepare examples highlighting your transferable skills during interviews or initial client meetings to show how you've succeeded in previous roles. 

This is not an exhaustive list, so what other ways have you showcased your skill set?

I'll add that for all of these strategies, be sure to demonstrate the value you bring to prospective employers or clients by aligning your transferable skills with their needs, as listed on job descriptions, RFPs, etc. 

Oh! Before I forget, remember to include the skills you acquired in your volunteer efforts. Personally, I've learned or honed a number of my skills during my extensive volunteer work.

You've probably even developed skills navigating life because adulting can be hard and laborious and life be lifing!

Regardless of how you mastered these skills, remember that they are some of your most valuable assets that will propel you toward your goals and aspirations.

I would love to hear from you. Respond to this email and let me know what your transferable skills are and how, if ever, you’ve leveraged them to pivot.