Pursue Your Pivot: Make Space For Your Pivot

A day late, but not a dollar short. Thursday is the new Friday this week for the newsletter (lol) because the meetings and deadlines came at me fast and furious, and I had limited capacity to get it all done. Nonetheless, I made it! Happy Friday!

Speaking of capacity and space …

When pursuing your pivot, creating space in your life for meaningful change is essential. For many, this process involves letting go of old habits and mindsets, adopting new practices, and taking intentional steps toward clearly defined goals. 

Take a moment and think about it. Have you ever REALLY taken inventory of how you spend your time, what you consume on social media, who you interact with, etc.? You may be surprised that you're subconsciously caught in the matrix of mundane routines, deferred dreams, and unfulfilled desires. That's probably most people's story to some degree. I've definitely been there and done that.

You have to wonder: If your life is consumed with things that aren't reflective of your ideal life, are you available and willing to make changes that take you closer to your goals? Probably not because you're time-constrained, tired, and distracted. So, creating space for a pivot requires letting go of what no longer serves your growth and well-being. 

Clearing space includes doing work around your mindset like:

  1. Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs: Identify and challenge limiting beliefs that hold you back from pursuing new opportunities or taking risks. Sometimes, society or past experiences put us in a box that we don't realize exists, and it's up to us to break free of those barriers.

  2. Stepping Outside of Your Comfort Zone: Growth often lies beyond the boundaries of familiarity, so try something new and embrace uncertainty. Don't allow fear or others' opinions to keep you from making moves!

  3. Resisting Perfectionism: Release the need for perfection and embrace the journey of learning and growth. Accept that mistakes and setbacks are natural parts of the process. There's a saying that if something is perfect, you wait too long to share it with the world. Showing imperfection is hard because we don't want to be subjected to criticism, but F it! Sometimes, you just have to do it!

  4. Embracing Failure: Reframe failure as a chance to learn and grow versus a reflection of your worth. It's unrealistic to embark on a new journey into the unknown and expect yourself to have it all figured out. That math doesn't math, so embrace resilience and bounce back stronger from setbacks.

If you’re looking for books to help you shift your mindset, check out this article: Mind, Body, Spirit: 10 Self-Help Books by Black Authors to Help Align Your Life

It could also mean taking physical actionable steps like:

  1. Cutting Off Negative Relationships: Let go of relationships that drain your energy or discourage your ambitions and surround yourself with supportive people who uplift and inspire you. I get that this process is easier said than done, but negative people are so draining, and it sucks to temper excitement about your pivot to avoid friction. 

  2. Curating Your Social Media: If you spend a good bit of time on social media like me, this is more important than you may think. Unfollow valueless accounts and create social media feeds that teach and inspire you. Those who are connected to me on social media know that I love a good meme or funny video, but I'm quick to unfollow an account that posts foolishness that goes against my values or portrays Black women negatively. All it takes is one post, and I'm done!

  3. Asking For Help: Sometimes, you're too deep in the weeds to identify the areas you need help with, so hiring a coach, therapist, or other professional to assist you will help you pivot faster and create the life you want.

Don't be afraid of change. Be afraid of staying the same. - Unknown

Again, easier said than done. I get it, but what is the alternative? Will you be happy a year from now … two years from now … in the same role, city, or career you're currently in? If not, then it's time to let go of old habits, adopt new practices, and take intentional action so you can create the space needed to pivot successfully. 

I would love to hear from you. Respond to this email and let me know what changes you’ve made to create space for your pivot.