Pursue Your Pivot: Blickity Black Monday Motivation

Happy Black History Month! Now, we know we celebrate Blackness 365 days a year over here, but there’s still something about all of us collectively showing out in February that makes my heart smile. Now, more than ever, our celebration is revolutionary in this chaotic political and social climate, and our joy is resistance. Black people pivoting in the face of adversity is nothing new. We always perserve. So, continue to celebrate you, your family, your heritage, your testimony, your resilience, your triumphs, your past, your present, and your future.

Don’t shrink or coward to not be seen or draw attention to yourself out of fear or doubt. Instead, I hope you stand taller, boast louder, take up more space, and continue to collect and show your receipts so your amazing Blackness can never be denied, no matter how hard folks try.

How are you celebrating the month? Hopefully, some good events are going on in your city that pique your interest.

Guess what?! January 28th was the one-year anniversary of the Pursue Your Pivot Newsletter! That was anti-climatic, I know, lol, but thank you for rocking with me on this journey. I am doing this for you, for me, for us. While this project is ever-evolving, I am grateful for the motivation and impact that it’s already made. Your feedback warms my heart and motivates me to keep this thang going one newsletter at a time! 

I want us all to tap into our greatness and create a purposeful, fun, and memorable life that leaves a legacy beyond our physical existence.

What will that look like for you?

We're in the second month of 2025, and I wanted to do a quick check-in. Are you still committed to your goals? Have you made progress toward the changes you want to see? Are you happy with your effort to grow or reinvent yourself?

If so, how are you feeling? If not, how are you feeling?

Take a moment this first week of February to take inventory of what you've done so far and where you are trying to go. What does that gap look like? I'm a big proponent of giving yourself grace, not excuses. So, while life be lifing, what can you do today, this week, or this month to get back on track and start closing that gap?

Please respond to this email and let me know how 2025 is going for you.

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please share it with someone else and encourage them to join the community. I would love to connect with them.