Pursue Your Pivot: Monday Motivation

Not October, doing a quick stop and wave before heading out!

As this year races by, I want to encourage you to complete tasks lingering on your to-do list. This list can include a myriad of things, from reconnecting with loved ones and friends to following up with potential contacts to making medical appointments to decluttering, updating legal documents and budgets, canceling subscriptions, etc. You get the point. What are some things that you keep pushing off but are constantly on your mind? That’s what I want you to get done.

I am speaking to myself as well because my list keeps growing, but nothing is moving off of it. They are all things that I really need to do, but I am not prioritizing them. So, I’m starting to block off time on my calendar to get them done!

Let’s use these last two months to wrap up these things and start the new year prepared and undistracted by old things.

Also, this was me this week. Anyone else? Where did the weekend go?!?!

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