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- Pursue Your Pivot: (Tues)day Motivation
Pursue Your Pivot: (Tues)day Motivation

Ya girl was traveling (two trips, five states, and seven cities in one week … EXXXXXACTLY), so my apologies for the newsletter's tardiness. BUT I showed up tho!
Nonetheless, I saw the above post and thought about what I've learned this year … which is a lot. Hopefully, you’ve learned a lot, too … and not the hard way.
My LOUDEST lesson is that I’ve been playing small and safe, and I need to stop that shit ASAP. Staying in your comfort zone is one thing, but playing small?! Whew, seeing it through that lens hit me hard. Since when?! This April Aries is too competitive for that.
My loudest lesson also speaks to the post's answer. Playing small is contributing to my "suffering." I put the word in quotes because it's relative. That could be another newsletter for another day.
I had to recognize the reasons for playing small and safe, like grief and self-diagnosed Corporate PTSD (it's a real thing), and start unlearning the bad habits that supported this mentality and behavior, like being unresponsive, not setting goals, or not promoting my business. All of which are crazy work, as my nephew would say, for an entrepreneur.
Like, ma'am, what are you doing with your life right now?!
Self-awareness is important, and I'm thankful I have that. That's not to say that I always course correct lol, but I do peep what I'm doing. Also, admitting there's an issue and it's room to grow is important.
I have concepts of a plan and goals for 2025 that I will iron out in the next two weeks. Liiiiiike, I know what they are in my head, but again, I'm trying to break bad habits. So, I need to get it on paper and mapped out with action items and deadlines. Some would say I’m behind the eight-ball in getting this done. To that, I say, “Worry ‘bout yourself!”
Your turn! Reply to this newsletter and let me know what the loudest lesson for you was in 2024. AND what you are doing to implement changes for 2025.

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