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  • Pursue Your Pivot: Follow the rules … you create for yourself.

Pursue Your Pivot: Follow the rules … you create for yourself.

First things first …

I'm taking a moment to stand in gratitude for all of the likes, shares, subscriptions, and words of encouragement you gave when I announced the Pursue Your Pivot newsletter last week on my personal social media channels! It was affirming to hear your feedback on the first four editions. Thank you for joining me on my pivot journey. Now let me join you on yours!

On to our regularly scheduled programming …

To be clear, don't break laws that'll get you locked up because I can't help you with the bail money BUT …

I can encourage you to create and follow your own rulebook to support the life you want to live.

As Black women, many of us have spent years following conventional guidelines, often at the expense of our happiness, progression, and fulfillment. However, true success and satisfaction don't come from conforming to someone else's standards. Instead, it comes from embracing our authenticity and aligning with our values and passions.

Unlearning societal rules means questioning the status quo, redefining success on our terms, giving ourselves permission to prioritize our well-being, celebrating our unique journeys, and pivoting. So, when it comes to the made-up rules that society has adopted and blanketed over our lives, I want us all to unlearn them and embrace others best suited for our growth and success.

An important question is how do you unlearn rules that weren't created with your best interest in mind? It starts with introspection and self-awareness. You have to take the time to reflect on what truly matters and sparks joy (shout out to Marie Kondo). What do you envision for your future? Your rulebook should mirror your values, aspirations, and the lifestyle you want to cultivate.

I LOVE Bozoma Saint John! I love how she lives out loud, is unapologetically Black, and is unafraid to pivot. This recent clip from an interview on the Not Alone Podcast speaks to creating rules tailored to your life or letting them go.

Here are a few things to be mindful of while making your own rules. 

Release Guilt and Comparison: I spoke about this in last week's newsletter. One of the biggest challenges in unlearning societal rules is overcoming the guilt and comparison that often accompany deviating from the norm. Your journey is yours alone, and comparing yourself to others only undermines your work and accomplishments. Also, don't allow people to make you feel guilty for changing your mind, altering your lifestyle, or setting boundaries.

Embrace Flexibility and Adaptability: In today's rapidly changing world, loyalty to outdated rules is unsustainable. And it's not about ditching one set of rules and adhering to another set of rigid rules. Instead, be open to change, willing to take risks, and unwavering in the face of cynics. Please know that the rules you create for yourself will continue to evolve as you do.

Seek Support and Community: Navigating the journey of unlearning societal rules can sometimes feel daunting, so it's important to lean on your support system and community. If you haven't done so, surround yourself with like-minded individuals who uplift and empower you. Lean on mentors, friends, and family who embrace your journey and provide guidance and encouragement along the way.

Celebrate Your Uniqueness: As you unlearn and redefine, remember to celebrate your uniqueness, especially being a Black woman. Your individuality is your greatest asset and sets you apart in a world of conformity. Embrace your quirks, passions, and authentic self. Let's live with no regrets by living as our authentic selves. BARS

So, as you navigate your pivot era, let go of old, baseless rules that no longer serve you, like the pressure to have it all (whatever that means), the timeline of personal and professional achievements, or the methodology you follow to accomplish your goals. We're doing it our way!

In case you needed a reminder …

I would love to hear from you. What rules have you unlearned and/ or created for yourself?